Jenn's Corner @ Rusty's Snakeskin
Welcome to Jenn's Corner @ Rusty's Snakeskin!
duped customers since August 2002
Warning: This page and others linked to it may be seriously hazardous to your health! If you praise the Parental Advisory stickers, then you might be offended! I suggest you put your tail between your legs and go back to your hole. NOW!
Oh, if you're not offended, you can stay. ;)
In Remembrance
1 Year• September 11
True Americans Will Never Forget
God Bless Freedom • It's Worth Fighting For • Freedom rules above all
News In the Corner, December 2002
Hello all,
As you can tell, the site has overgone a few (yeah, right) changes. I am implementing these changes because I no longer have time to update this site every month. I have taken a few pages off because I have transfered their content to other servers, which I will list below.
As of December 2002, I am no longer a GNR fan. I abhor all things GNR. I can no longer support any member of a band as selfish and immature as this one. I'm sorry, but I can't.
Our Poms, Cookie and Yogi, had three puppies! A brown and black spotted female, Tea Biscuit, a black female, Biscotti, and a black male, Cappuchino!
I will be starting a new quarter in January at FIDM. The new courses will include CAD, marking and grading, and Creative Design Applications. I will graduate in June.
I am currently planning what is the hopeful First Annual Beware the Ides of March party, which will take place on March 15, 2003.
To review my resume and my online galleries at Deviant Art and Elfwood, please see my Artistic Gatherings page.
To read my original fiction, non fiction, poetry, essays, and fanfiction, please view The Write Stuff.
To view pictures of me, my family, friends, and our Pomeranians, view Jenn's Scrapbook.
And last, but not least, view some interesting LINKS. Costuming, artwork, fiction writing, forums, and the like. Jenn's Friends are invited to share their homepage links, and learn how to build a website with ease, just like mine.
BEFORE I FORGET! As I've said before, I've helped out with St. Vincent Meals On Wheels to help hungry old folk who really need food. I've donated money and helped delivered food to people who can't even get out of bed to make a meal and have no relatives to help them. If you would like to donate, just send a check to:
St. Vincent Meals on Wheels
2131 West Third Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057
This is genuine, people! Even though they say $1 can feed one person a day, I'm sure you all know that a $1 meal isn't that much. I say, at least donate $5!!!
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est. 1992 Southern California
Custom Stationary with a Flair!
Here's to a Beautiful Christmas and a Joyful New Year!
This year's card shows a playful puppy frolicing in the snow!
Awww! How cute!